
Filip Czaplicki

Android & Web Developer


Intro This is the list of CLI tools I found useful someday. It is useful reference as remembering all script names and options is cumbersome. Especially those I use rarely. ripgrep rg (ripgrep): great grep replacement. Recursive search and respects .gitignore by default. Possible to configure per repository with .rgignore Useful options: -i: case insentive -v: invert matching -A n(after), -B n(before), -C n(context). n is number of lines -u, -uu, -uuu: unrestricted searching with gitignored, hidden, and binary files -l: list files matching -e: pattern (regex) to search for.


What is Nix? I recently started using Nix. It is a package manager and a build system. It uses its own functional programming language. At the moment I use it only as a package manager. For years, I maintained Ansible playbook for setting up my development environments. Nix allows to simplify it and eventually might even replace it. Instead of installing software via apt/pipx/downloading binaries from GitHub I use Nix.

JOSM: Bing StreetSide with Utilsplugin2 => Open custom URL

Bing StreetSide is alternative to Google Street View which can be used for OpenStreetMap mapping. There is a MicrosoftStreetside plugin for JOSM but it doesn’t work for me due to dependencies of JavaFX/360 views. I have managed to use it via Utilsplugin2. Edit => Preferences (F12) => Utilsplugin2 settings Add new row with name Bing StreetSide and url https://www.bing.com/maps?cp={#lat}%7E{#lon}&lvl=19.0&style=x. In the case of issues one can edit customurl.txt. For Linux/Flatpak it’s located at ~/.