My board games collection

Table generated from BoardGameGeek Collection
Name Rating Weight Players Time Comment
7 Cudów Świata (7 Wonders) 7.59 2.32 2-7 30 min A
Aeon's End: Legacy 7.26 2.86 1-4 90 min
Ark Nova 8.31 3.73 1-4 150 min
Azul: Witraże Sintry (Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra) 7.04 2.00 2-4 45 min
BANG! 6.34 1.63 4-7 40 min
BANG! Dodge City 6.40 1.65 3-8 40 min
BANG! W Samo Południe, Za Garść Kart (BANG! High Noon/A Fistful of Cards) 5.61 1.50 4-7 40 min
Brass: Birmingham 8.42 3.89 2-4 120 min
Brzdęk! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated (Clank!: Legacy – Acquisitions Incorporated) 7.94 2.73 2-4 120 min
Brzdęk! W! Kosmosie!: Raban w próżni (Clank! In! Space!: A Deck-Building Adventure) 7.47 2.56 2-4 90 min A
Calico 7.29 2.18 1-4 45 min
Carcassonne Big Box (Carcassonne Big Box 5) 6.65 2.24 2-8 40 min
Cartographers 7.45 1.89 1-100 45 min
Decrypto 7.54 1.81 3-8 45 min
Dixit Jinx 5.58 1.20 3-6 15 min
DOG 5.86 1.45 2-6 45 min
Eksplodujące kotki (Exploding Kittens) 5.86 1.09 2-5 15 min A
Ghost Stories 7.09 2.90 1-4 60 min
Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion 8.20 3.63 1-4 120 min T
Gwent: Monsters and Scoia'tael 5.75 1.59 2-2 30 min
Gwent: Nilfgaard and Northern Realms 5.75 1.57 2-2 30 min
Hanabi 6.95 1.69 2-5 25 min
Jungle Speed 6.28 1.13 2-10 10 min
Karty Dżentelmenów: Epizod Czwarty 1.00 3-15 30 min
Karty Dżentelmenów: Epizod Szósty 3-15 0 min
Kłamcianka Towarzyska 2.00 3-7 0 min
List miłosny (Edycja Premium) (Love Letter) 7.07 1.13 2-6 20 min A
Monolith Arena 6.21 2.35 2-4 45 min
Munchkin 5.70 1.81 3-6 120 min A
Na skrzydłach (Wingspan) 7.92 2.46 1-5 70 min
Palce w Pralce (Rock the Beat) 5.80 1.06 4-12 30 min
Pandemic Legacy: Sezon 1 (Pandemic Legacy: Season 1) 8.39 2.83 2-4 60 min
Power Grid: Benelux/Central Europe 7.06 3.14 2-6 120 min
Power Grid: China/Korea 6.99 3.27 2-6 120 min
Power Grid: France/Italy 6.99 3.29 2-6 120 min
Power Grid: Russia & Japan 6.55 3.08 2-6 120 min
Power Grid: The New Power Plants – Set 2 5.58 3.00 2-6 120 min
Pytania od czapy (Shitty Questions) 1.00 3-8 30 min
Race for the Galaxy 7.64 2.99 2-4 60 min T
The Resistance 7.09 1.60 5-10 30 min A
Rising Sun 7.49 3.30 3-5 120 min A
Robinson Crusoe: Przygoda na przeklętej wyspie (Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island) 7.60 3.81 1-4 120 min T
Rummikub 6.27 1.72 2-4 60 min
Rzuć na Tacę (That's Pretty Clever!) 7.39 1.88 1-4 30 min
Sabotażysta (Saboteur) 6.43 1.32 3-10 30 min
Sabotażysta: rozszerzenie (Saboteur 2 (expansion-only editions)) 6.49 1.52 2-12 45 min
Scrabble 6.15 2.07 2-4 90 min
Siedem (Seven7s) 5.64 1.50 2-4 20 min
Splendor 7.30 1.78 2-4 30 min
Spot it! 6.40 1.03 2-8 15 min
Tajniacy (Codenames) 7.46 1.27 2-8 15 min
Takie Życie 3: Tajemnice (MindMaze: Verzwickte Rätsel – Kriminalfälle) 5.50 1.00 2-99 30 min
Terraformacja Marsa (Terraforming Mars) 8.23 3.26 1-5 120 min T
Uga Buga (Ooga Booga) 5.64 1.02 3-6 10 min
Vudu (Voodoo) 5.78 1.19 3-6 30 min A
Wsiąść do Pociągu: Europa (Ticket to Ride: Europe) 7.41 1.92 2-5 60 min
Wysokie Napięcie: Doładowana Wersja (Power Grid) 7.71 3.26 2-6 120 min
Załoga: Wyprawa w głębiny (The Crew: Mission Deep Sea) 7.84 2.06 2-5 20 min

Letter in the comment means that someone else owns the game and it is currently stored at my place.