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My own programming language and its interpreter for Programming Languages and Paradigms course @ University of Warsaw

Language Description

starsep-lang is imperative language with functional features. Its grammar is based on Latte with my extensions.

Program Structure

Program is list of functions. The main function is executed.



  void main() {
    list<int> emptyIntList = int[];
    list<int> append = 5 $ emptyIntList;
    list<int> join = append ++ append;
    list<char> stringList = "abc";
    list<int> listConstructor = int[1, 2, 3, 42 + 5];
  void foo1() {}
  void foo2(int x) {}
  int foo3() { return 42; }
  int foo4(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
  void main() {
    fn<void> bar1 = foo1;
    fn<int -> void> bar2 = foo2;
    fn<int> bar3 = foo3;
    fn<int -> int -> int> bar4 = foo4;




Control flow

 if BoolExpr1 {
    // instructions1
  } elif BoolExpr2 {
    // instructions2
  } else {
    // instructions3
 while BoolExpr {
    // instructions
 for Oper1; BoolExpr; Oper2 {
    // instructions
  for varName in someList {
    // instructions